A propos...

Nicolas RIVIERE (45 years)
Space System Program Director at ONERA Space Directorate
Research Director at the University of Toulouse
President of the ALUMNI ONERA Association
ONERA Research center ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab
Space Directorate

Space System Program Director at ONERA
Research Director

2023 - Today
ONERA Space Directorate

President of the ALUMNI ONERA Association including current PhD students, Doctors and Post-doc
2024 - Today

Senior Research Engineer, ONERA The French Aerospace Lab
2006-2023 (17 years)
Optronics Department at ONERA
Light Interaction with Matter, Imaging and Detection Laser Systems Unit
Responsible of the 3DLAB: 3D-LiDAR systems and high resolution telemetry
Light scattering studies

Doctorate in Physics (University of Rouen, France)
2002-2006 (3 years)
Optronics Department at ONERA & Laboratory of CNRS CORIA
"Light polarization for scattering media characterization"

Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS)
2002 (6 months)
Photonic group
"VCSELs (vertical cavities laser) studies and characterizations"

IRSAMC, Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité (LCAR) - Dynamical processes induced in atoms, ions, molecules and clusters by collisions or by laser
2001 (6 months)
Femtosecond group
"Caracterization of a photoelectron spectrometer using a femtosecond laser"

IRSAMC, Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité (LCAR) - Dynamical processes induced in atoms, ions, molecules and clusters by collisions or by laser
2000 (6 months)
Femtosecond group
"Ultra-short laser pulses: Study and models. Application to femto laser sources"

Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP) / Centre d'Etudes Spatiales des Rayonnements (CESR)
1999 (6 months)
High Energy Group
"Calibration of an optical instrument: The first Gamma rays lens", Claire project, collaborations with Cnes and ESA

Access to the complete list of the documents in section Sciences


Research Director - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)

Doctorate in Physics (University of Rouen, France)
2002-2006 (3 years)
"Light polarization for scattering media characterization", ONERA / CNRS CORIA

Master 2 (Research) "Micro-waves and Optical transmissions"
ENSEEIHT, ISAE-Supaero, ENAC, University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier)

License and Master 1 "Fundamental Physics"
University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier)
Specialties: Instruments for Physics, laser, non-linear optics, interaction light-matter, Astrophysics, spatial techniques and cosmology


Lectures (level Master 2) at the University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier University, France), University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France), ISAE-SUPAERO, ENAC and IPSA

UFR Physique-Chimie-Automatique: http://pca3w.ups-tlse.fr
Association des Anciens des Doctoriales: http://www.a2d2.free.fr
Optics: http://ipsa.riviere.fr
Personal website: http://www.riviere.fr


Nicolas Riviere